The competition

The obstaclecourse – main event

We have build an obstaclecourse specificty for onewheel. It is short and you ride one at a time.
You have a riding time and for every obstacle you pass you get a number of seconds deducted your riding time. The winner is the one with the shortest final time.
The number of seconds you get deducted is a dificulty factor times about the amount of seconds it take you to try three times: fall, carry your board to the start of the obstacle and retry. So even if an obstacle is a bit hard it is clearly worth trying also more than once.
To get the time deducted you have to be on the board from the start line of the obstacle to the finish line of that obstacle.

Excample: The bridge here to the right. It has a dificulty score of 2. It takes 40 secunds to try three times so the bonus time deducted your riding time is 80 seconds if you pass this obstacle.

On friday you have time to test the course.

See a video of the track (and the whole event) here – starts at 1:26:

See all obstacles that are build so far – more will come.

Seesaw – 30 sec:

Pump track – 30 sec:

Skull bridge – 40 sec:

Trunk drop – 120 sec:

Zig zag – 60 sec:

Tall skinny – 50 sec:

Narrow skinny – 192 sec:

Trunk bridge – 80 sec:

Stumb S – 110 sec:

Wall – 25 sec:

Trunk with drop – 153 sec: